Boffi Studio Tel Aviv

Boffi Studio in Tel-aviv opened in the year 2000 by Ran Presberg and Ravit Gohar. The show room is designed by the renowned designer Piero Lissoni who is also the art director of Boffi Italy.

Negozio Boffi|DePadova Studio Tel Aviv
Boffi|DePadova Studio


  • Ganei Hatarucha
    363188 Tel Aviv


Monday – Sunday 09:00 – 17:00


2000 年,特拉维夫的 Boffi Studio 由 Ran Presberg 和 Ravit Gohar 正式揭幕。展销店由著名设计师 Piero Lissoni 设计,他也是 Boffi Italy 的艺术总监。Boffi Studio Blue Kitchen 被评为 Boffi 公司全球前三强分支机构。展厅展示了 Boffi 完整的外观设计概念,其中包括厨房、浴室、橱柜和配套用品。展厅还展示了可如何将各类产品完美融合,形成每个人都希望在家中享受的独特设计体验。展销店会根据 Boffi 推出的新产品和新系统不时进行校正、更新。Boffi 以非凡的设计和不折不扣的质量而闻名。Boffi 产品由顶级设计师设计,并采用高质量的现代和可持续技术制造。我们热情邀请您到店参观。


Boffi-studio Tel aviv will assist you to design and plan your living space. Our team of interior designers will gladly supply you with technical and design solutions. We will take care of all aspects related to the project at hand: plans, measures, fitting electrical appliances and installation.

We will be happy to provide consult and design services along with plans and renders in order to complete the design process in your house. After the design is complete in cooperation with the architect we will issue an elaborate work plan including all design and technical aspects

We offer a 3-year guarantee on Boffi cabinetry. When the purchasing process is complete we will coordinate the supply and installation. Our professional team will install all our products including kitchens, bathrooms, doors, complementary items and accessories.

