Boffi|DePadova Cannes

Boffi 在戛纳 Rue Constantine 6 号找到了非常适合这间绝妙门店的地方,它是一个经过检验的真实“宝库”,充满强烈的个性化特征。

Flagship Store


  • 6 Rue Constantine
    06400 Cannes


Monday – Friday
10:00 – 12:30 / 14:00 – 18:30


Boffi 在戛纳 Rue Constantine 6 号找到了非常适合这间绝妙门店的地方,它是一个经过检验的真实“宝库”,充满强烈的个性化特征。这是家具爱好者和设计鉴赏家所钟爱的地方。Boffi 系列、De Padova(意大利设计界的传奇名称)世界以及 MA/U Studio 品牌的亲切感都汇聚这里,熠熠生辉。后两者最近都被 Boffi 所收购。门店内部通过四个天窗向现代空间敞开,四个天窗高度各不相同。这个 120 平方米的空间为世界上最伟大的设计师(Piero Lissoni、Nendo、Vico Magistretti、Patrick Norguet…)提供了完美的创作舞台,使他们能够打造出完整和彻底的家居解决方案。为了根据访客期望正确反映、开发和创建这些项目,由专业人士、室内设计师和建筑师组成的团队将为您提供建议,并引导您完成项目的各个步骤,确保每位客户都可以享受汇集了 Boffi、De Padova 和 MA/U Studio 的卓越服务。©照片提供者:Pierrick Verry


The Boffi Cannes team collaborates with clients and trade professionals from start to finish. A fairly accurate provided by you or your architect is enough to make a draft plan. We build with you or your architect, a detailed specification in which we will discuss all aspects of your project

We use the last drawing programs that provide improved accuracy and timeliness. We can make, only on request, a photo-realistic 3D rendering of your new kitchen or bathroom. Our services also include technical assistance to companies operating within the kitchen or bathroom

Boffi supplies a team of trained professionals to execute all installation aspects. Our installer team occurs on a schedule established with you and for a duration that depends on the projects complexity.

