Boffi|DePadova Antwerpen

曾经的安特卫普鱼市 (Vischmyn),如今已经被改造成一个现代场所,Boffi-eDePadova 展销店就坐落在那里。



  • Riemstraat 22 Antwerpen
    B-2000 Antwerpen


Tuesday – Friday 10:30-13:00 / 14:00-18:00
Saturday 11:00-17:00


曾经的安特卫普鱼市 (Vischmyn),如今已经被改造成一个现代场所,Boffi-eDePadova 展销店就坐落在那里。这座经过翻新的建筑始建于 1894 年,自 2005 年以来,它一直是 Boffi 在安特卫普的运营基地。展销店位于时尚热闹的南部地区 (Het Zuid),该地区集设计、时尚、艺术、生活方式、美食等于一体,并将其融入一个富有创造性的环境中。Boffi-eDePadova Antwerpen 总表面积超过 500 平方米,为您的住宅室内设计提供全套解决方案。厨房、浴室、步入式衣帽间和更衣室以一种巧妙的方式与 De Padova 家具、MAU/Studio 图书馆和 ADL 门系统完美地融合在一起。材料和家具的混合搭配最终为您的房屋提供一个全面而优雅的解决方案。展示空间贯穿整个建筑。一支由经验丰富的建筑师和室内设计师组成的团队为最终客户(私人-专业建筑师)在确定定制和个性化解决方案的道路上提供指导。


Boffi – De Padova is not only synonymous for innovation, timeless design and high-end finishings, but also for creativity and a personal approach. We take in charge the concept and design of your living room, dining area, library, bedroom, outdoor area, your kitchen, bathroom and wardrobe even as the interior design of your house from a to z. Our team of interior architects guide you thru the realisation of your personalised project, eventually in cooperation with your own interior architect or architect.

Once the project has been accepted, all plans and execution techniques are established. All starts with a detailed preparation of your project, a punctual follow up, which results in a meticulous installation.

Boffi – De Padova Antwerpen supplies a team of trained professionals to execute all installation aspects.

