Boffi|DePadova Studio Frauenfeld

Gli spazi del living Boffi|DePadova trovano la propria sede nelle capitali del design in tutto il mondo e condividono un’architettura raffinata, rispecchiando appartamenti eleganti, dal gusto borghese.

Negozio Boffi|DePadova Studio Fraunfeld
Boffi|DePadova Studio


  • St. Gallerstrasse 12
    CH-8500 Frauenfeld

Orari di apertura

Lunedì, Martedì e Sabato solo su appuntamento
Mercoledì – Venerdì 9:00 – 17:30


Gli spazi del living Boffi|DePadova trovano la propria sede nelle capitali del design in tutto il mondo e condividono un’architettura raffinata, rispecchiando appartamenti eleganti, dal gusto borghese.

I sistemi di interiors Boffi, le partizioni architettoniche ADL, insieme agli elementi di arredo De Padova, con le partnership esclusive Paul Smith + De Padova e Time & Style ēdition, che solo un linguaggio così versatile può captare e stringere, fanno tutte parte di una narrazione racchiusa in una proposta a 360°.


We can draw up a draft of your project using fairly accurate plans that either you or your architect can provide. If required, we can come to your site to take measurements. We will then work with you or your architect to draw up a detailed list of specifications that will cover all aspects of your project, including technical requirements, aesthetic concerns, financial considerations and scheduling needs.

We use the latest software and IT equipment to ensure quick and accurate designs. Our services, if requested, may include consultation and technical assistance to companies that you may hire to work on our kitchen and bathroom models.

Our team of installers will work on a schedule that will be drawn up with you. There is a 3-year guarantee on Boffi cabinetry. For electrical appliances, all after-sales service and guarantee will be covered by the manufacturer. Maintenance and after-sales service of Boffi cabinetry under guarantee will be performed free of charge.


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