
Mikal Harrsen

Throughout his career Mikal Harrsen has focused on creating original design solutions for clients and brands with ambitious projects and product portfolios.

In 2012 he established MA/U Studio together with Adam Hall. MA/U Studio is a brand with focus on design that offer functional, timeless and minimalist furniture design of high quality.

«As a designer I live through visual impressions. A design object is to me like a picture to be developed – the creative vision is captured mostly through the senses. I regard the design process as the individual filter which I use when defining a physical form or object for this vision» – Mikal Harrsen.

With more than two decades of experience as an independent designer Mikal Harrsen has gained solid know-how, and is recipient of several international design awards:

Red Dot Award

IF Design Award

Communication Arts Award

ADEX Platinum (American Design Award of excellence) Design Prize of e Federal Republic of Germany (nominee)